Friday, February 25, 2005

Pissing on the Dead

Well look who's got a blog! jimmyjeffguckertgannon - and he's trading on the late and truly lamented Hunter S. Thompson - "Fear and Loathing in the Press Room" declares the right's favorite rent boy! Meanwhile, he quotes some of his dimmer fellow travelers in their continued missing of the point:

They should propose performing the exact same investigation on all WH reporters. Send out a questionnaire that reflects the matters that find them in such breathless anxiety when it comes to Jeff Gannon/James Guckert. To wit:
1. Ask if any reporter is a homosexual.
2. Ask if any has ever exchanged sex for anything.
3. Ask them to list all web sites with which they have ever had any involvement.
4. Review all of their questions and articles for any bias, agenda, or tendentiousness.
4. Ask for a list of all political associations, involvements, activities, financial giving.
6. Once step five is completed, the same investigation must be performed on the organizations that employ them.
7. Report the results.

Now, it is very doubtful this would lead anywhere even if someone did it - the number of reporters serving or advertising themselves as prostitutes on the Internet is probably rather small - and even when something embarrassing does come up (ask Andrew Sullivan), it generally only ruins your career if you didn't really have a career.

But that aside - that isn't what happened to jjdgg. If you wanted to apply to the whole press corps the standards applied to him:
1) What kind of questions do they ask at press conferences? Do they make fools of themselves?
2) If so - where do they work? How legitimate is that organization?
3) Are they plagiarizing white house press releases?
4) How did they get their credentials, if they are plagiarists working for a news organization that appears to be a front for a partisan lobbying outfit?
5) And then - I guess the next step depends on whether they are a prostitute offering their services over the internet - but - do they have or have they recently had web sites offering their services as a prostitute on the internet? What about the nude photos?

It has to be admitted that the comedy potential of number five increases significantly if the reporter is conservative, gay, or both. Degree of closetedness is another parameter. Screaming that some bleeding heart liberal is gay is just not going to get much traction - less now, when just being a liberal is so often grounds for consignment to hell. But for right wing hacks - well! But going on the continuing efforts of righties to defend jjdgg by pretending to be outraged that liberals are mocking him for being gay - the comedy never really stops. Jimjeff is a walking ridikulus spell, that turns everyone who approaches into a figure of fun.

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