Saturday, November 22, 2008

If Franklin got his Way, Would we have to Eat Eagles?

Popping in for some trivia... A new meme of sorts: the "They've Gone Too Far" post about Sarah Palin. For a lot of people, it was the "Africa is a country" story - even before it was debunked. Now comes another one - the Turkey Shoot. This one - okay no one wants to see all that blood and gore on the 6 o'clock news, but geez! Who among us isn't planning to eat the bird in a week? We ought to know where that comes from.... And for people who live around farms and wildlife, it's just normal behavior...

Though still - I have been inclined to call Poe's Law on everything about the McCain campaign, and especially Sarah Palin's part, and things like this certainly make it a tougher call. That shot, with the guy carefully positioned in the back of the frame, killing the bird and looking back at the camera - looks as carefully staged as a sitcom. It's not even a blooper - it's like a sitcom staging a blooper.... I don't see what it has to do with Sarah Palin (except to prove she doesn't consider food preparation unusual), but there might have been some intent on the part of the cameraman: that's a pretty well composed shot, and composed for maximum comic value.

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