Thursday, March 08, 2007

Midweek Links Post

I have fallen back into my bad habits, a post a week, plus the odd ritual. We must do better! But as I have nothing original to contribute - I shall run through some links....

First - Lucas McNelly at 100 Films has come up with a great idea - to review "uber-indie" films - films sliding under the regular channels of distribution. (Though part of the point might be that the regular channels of distribution are changing: web sales, YouTube/Google Video, iPod downloads are all changing how you can get films - it's interesting... There's a nice post on 100 Films discussing these new channels of distribution, criticism and so on - worth looking at.) So far he's done Matt Zoller Seitz' Home, and Crooked Features - reviews are posted both at his site and at Talkingmoviezzz. (You can also check out Lucas' own films at d press Productions.)

Second: where did I find this? (Not surprisingly, Making Light.) But god damn this is sweet - Strange Maps: a blog dedicated to - wait for it... strange maps! A beautiful thing...

And so - tomorrow, we may get some music... and then? A weekend bringing The Host and a Brothers Quay film series... (Next weekend, Two or Three Things I Know About Her gets a revival - with more to follow.... oh boy.) With luck, I will manage to write something. Until then....

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