Friday, December 09, 2011

Another 2011 Music Sampler

Continuing with December's theme, here's a random sample of 2011 music:

1. Danielson - Grow Up
2. Beastie Boys - Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament
3. Jane's Addiction - Twisted Tales
4. Boris - Jackson Head
5. Six Organs of Admittance - Brilliant Blue Sea Between Us
6. Tom Waits - Talking at the Same Time
7. Tinawaren - Aden Osamnat
8. Damon & Naomi - SHadow Boxing
9. Wilco - Art of Almost
10. Loutaliica - Junior Dad

And video? Loutallica?

And how about the Danielson, sounding more Pixie-like than ever, with all those electric guitars and everything.

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