Today is Yasujiro Ozu's birthday. It is also, as it happens, the 50th anniversary of his death. I jumped the gun - I should have held up my great big Film Countdown for this date - what can you do? I suppose I can repost my top 32, for the enjoyment of anyone who missed the first...

1. Early Summer
2. Late Spring
3. Tokyo Story
4. I Was Born But...
5. The Only Son
6. Good Morning
7. Passing Fancy
8. An Inn in Tokyo
9. Tokyo Chorus
10. Autumn Afternoon
11. What did the Lady Forget?
12. Early Spring
13. Story of Floating Weeds
14. Woman of Tokyo
15. Tokyo Twilight
16. That Night's Wife
17. Floating Weeds
18. Record of a Tenement Gentleman
19. Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice
20. There Was A Father
21. Equinox Flower
22. Days of Youth
23. Brother and Sisters of the Toda Clan
24. Late Autumn
25. Where Now are the Dreams of Youth
26. Hen in the Wind
27. Walk Cheerfully
28. Dragnet Girl
29. I Flunked But...
30. The Lady and the Beard
31. End of Summer
32. Munekata Sisters
And point to another fine appreciation from David Bordwell.

1 comment:
Fabulous tribute and stupendous list. Well, I'll go with a Top 30. I guess the biggest difference is my close to poll position of THERE WAS A FATHER, which you have lower down on the list.
1. Tokyo Story
2. Late Spring
3. There Was A Father
4. Tokyo Twilight
5. I Was Born....But
6. Early Summer
7. Record of a Tenement Gentleman
8. An Autumn Afternoon
9. The Only Son
10. Hen in the Wind
11. Early Spring
12. The Story of Floating Weeds
13. Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice
14. Floating Weeds
15. Tokyo Chorus
16. An Inn in Tokyo
17. Days of Youth
18. Equinox Flower
19. Passing Fancy
20. The End of Summer
21. Good Morning
22. What Did the Lady Forget?
23. Brothers and Sisters of Toda..
24. Late Autumn
25. Where Now Are Dreams of Youth?
26. That Night's Wife
27. Walk Cheerfully
28. Dragnet Girl
29. Lady and the Beard
30. Munekata Sisters
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